25 5th Ave, Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1B3 (807) 737-3800 info@siouxlookouthydro.com
Emergency After Hours Number: (807) 737-3806

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Privacy Policy

Home Regulatory Privacy Policy


Sioux Lookout Hydro Privacy/Policy Code


At Sioux Lookout Hydro, customer privacy is a high priority. We have long‐standing practices

employed that protect the privacy of customers in all our business operations. The Sioux Lookout

Hydro Privacy Code is a formal statement of principles and guidelines concerning the minimum

requirements for the protection of personal information provided by Sioux Lookout Hydro to its

customers and employees. The objective of the Sioux lookout Hydro Privacy Code is to promote

responsible and transparent practices in the management of personal information, in accordance

with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Sioux Lookout Hydro will continue to review its Privacy Code to ensure it is relevant and remains

current with changing technologies and laws. Most importantly, Sioux Lookout Hydro wants to

ensure it continues to meet the evolving needs of our customers and employees.


Deanne Kulchyski

Chief Privacy Officer




Summary of Principles

Principle 1: Accountability

Sioux Lookout Hydro is accountable for the protection of all personal information within the

organizations’ possession or control, including any personal information that has been transferred

to a third party for regulatory, legal or processing purposes. Sioux Lookout Hydro will require a

comparable level of protection of this information from its third party relations.

Ms. Deanne Kulchyski, President/CEO, is designated as Sioux Lookout Hydro’s Chief Privacy Officer,

and has overall responsibility for our protection of personal information and for Sioux Lookout

Hydro’s compliance with this Privacy Policy.

Principle 2: Identifying Purposes

Personal information that Sioux Lookout Hydro collects from customers includes: the customer’s

name and address and other contact information; the meter number; facts about consumption of

power, both historic and current; facts about payment for electric service, including general

financial information, credit and reference information, such as date of birth, employment

information, drivers licence, previous addresses, telephone numbers, e‐mail addresses, medical

information to be used in case of emergency power outages, and bank and credit card information

requested for pre‐authorized payments.

When an individual applies for service, Sioux Lookout Hydro will make the individual aware of the

purposes for which Sioux Lookout Hydro is requesting the personal information. If Sioux Lookout

Hydro identifies other purposes for which the personal information may be used, Sioux Lookout

Hydro will seek the individual’s consent prior to such use. Sioux Lookout Hydro will advise that it is

the individual’s right to refuse permission for Sioux Lookout Hydro to use personal information for

any new purposes.

Additional purposes for collecting personal information may be identified to an individual before or

at the time of collection. However, at a minimum, Sioux Lookout Hydro will collect personal

information for the following purposes:

  • Billing and collection of payments for electric service
  • Pre‐authorized payment for services
  • Priority restoration of electric service to the correct address and meter, as may be required by medical circumstances
  • Energy sector legal, regulatory, and settlement requirements

Principle 3: Consent

Sioux Lookout Hydro will obtain consent before or when it collects, uses or discloses personal

information about an individual. An individual can provide consent to the collection, use and

disclosure of personal information about them expressly or implicitly. Sioux Lookout Hydro will

collect, use or disclose personal information without an individual’s consent only in limited

circumstances as permitted by law. Subject to certain legal and contractual restrictions and

reasonable notice, an individual can refuse or withdraw their consent to the collection, use or

disclosure of personal information about them at any time. All existing customers will be informed of what types of personal information have been collected, the purpose for the collection and the procedures available for contacting Sioux Lookout Hydro with any inquiries. All new customers will be provided with a consent form and an accompanying explanation about the collection use and disclosure of their personal information when requesting


Principle 4: Limiting Collection

Sioux Lookout Hydro limits the amount and type of personal information it collects to that which is

necessary for the business of the utility. Personal information will be collected using procedures

which are fair, transparent and lawful.

Principle 5: Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

Sioux Lookout Hydro will only use the personal information for the purpose for which it was

collected as identified in principle #2, unless consent is given by the individual to use or disclose it

for another purpose.

Sioux Lookout Hydro will develop explicit retention periods for closed accounts (zero balance),

after which the personal information will be destroyed or made anonymous.

Under certain exceptional circumstances, Sioux Lookout Hydro may have a legal duty or right to

disclose personal information without the individual’s knowledge or consent.

Principle 6: Accuracy

In order to ensure the reliable delivery of electric service and the correct billing for such service, all

personal information will be kept accurate, complete and up to date.

Individuals may challenge the accuracy and completeness of personal information about them and

have it amended, as appropriate.

Principle 7: Safeguards

In executing its responsibilities with respect to the confidentiality of personal information, Sioux

Lookout Hydro will employ a number of safeguards, appropriate to the sensitivity of the

information, to protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access,

disclosure, copying, use, or modification. Such safeguards will include physical clearances and

limiting access on a “need to know” basis, and use of passwords and encryption. Procedures for

implementing these measures will be communicated to all employees and third parties to ensure

compliance with this principle.

Principle 8: Openness

Sioux Lookout Hydro will make its policies and practices relating to the protection of personal

information available to its customers. Sioux Lookout Hydro will keep its customers informed of

these policies and practices and customers shall be provided access to all related policies and procedures via Sioux Lookout Hydro’s web page and bill inserts. The information will be available

in a format that is easy to understand.

Principle 9: Individual Access

Any customer of Sioux Lookout Hydro can have access to the personal information about them that

Sioux Lookout Hydro has in its possession or control. Any customer may request that their personal

information be amended for purposes of accuracy and completeness.

Customers can make their request by telephone, via e‐mail, or in writing. Contact information is

provided under Principle 10.

Response to an individual’s request will be made in a timely and efficient manner.



Principle 10: Challenging and Compliance

Any customer of Sioux Lookout Hydro may challenge Sioux Lookout Hydro’s compliance with this

Privacy Policy by contacting our Chief Privacy Officer directly. Sioux Lookout Hydro has policies

and procedures to receive, investigate and respond to individuals’ complaints and questions. If the

customer is not satisfied with the way Sioux Lookout Hydro has responded to a complaint, the

customer can contact the Privacy Commission of Canada.


Contact information for Sioux Lookout Hydro’s Chief Privacy Officer:

Ms. Deanne Kulchyski, President/CEO

Sioux Lookout Hydro Inc.

25 Fifth Ave., PO Box 908

Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1B3

Ms. Kulchyski’s direct contact information:

Phone: (807)737‐3800

Fax: (807)737‐2832

E‐mail: dkulchyski@siouxlookouthydro.com


If using e‐mail as a point of contact, please ensure that you identify “Privacy” in your subject


Call us on +1 807 737 3800 or send us a message to get a call back